Sunday, June 26, 2011


don't do something permanently stupid for being temporarily upset.
you just don't seem to know that...
this was too much and I'm too young for this shit.

I can forgive but never forget.

Friday, June 17, 2011


when everything's alright there's always this day
when for no reason you feel sad
even when you have people who love you, support you
you just feel like there's something missing
like there's something wrong...

I'm not in a bad moment.
I have him and my 'family' who supports me
but then I miss you always...
You're so far away, sometimes I just want to give you a hug
and tell you how much I love you
how much I miss you.
How much I'd love to just go for an icecream
or go shopping together
or just be able to hang with you.

It felt so perfect back in the days
like no one could take that away from me.

It felt good... but now it's just f'd up.

I can't help to feel this way once in a while
I just need you.
I'm always acting like there's nothing wrong
that I'm always happy and cheerful
but people tend to do that a lot
just hide their true feelings about what's going on in their heads.
I tell my friends about that, they support me
and tell me to cheer up
but this is something that even when you talk about it, it's a part of you...

part of being human.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I had

this weird and scary dream
I was in a huge castle, with someone... unfortunately I couldn't see his/her face straight so I don't know who it was.
I found this foggy room and I was smiling while this 'someone' followed me to the same room.
Within the fog I saw a shadow of a girl with long hair (typical from scary movies)
she was walking towards me
I couldn't breathe well, I tried to scream for help but it was no use
the closer the girl was, the less I could see...
when she was almost right in front of me I saw she was holding an ax
I woke up in my room with my heart beating so fast

I was scared

It felt so real... what could that even mean? Dreams are dreams... right?

(*No, I'm not obsessed with Persona 4 if you ask... I just started to play it lol)